InstantPBX—the Cloud platform for Swyx
With InstantPBX, you have your Swyx server ready faster than an instant cupcake!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is InstantPBX?
InstantPBX is our multi-tenant Cloud platform based on Swyx, where you can create new virtual PBXes within seconds without setting up servers manually. InstantPBX does not require a VPN and is still lucrative even with only one user on a single PBX.
InstantPBX allows customers to create users, up- or downgrade tariffs, configure permissions groups, global phonebook, number assignment and much more in an easy to use webinterface. Users have access to all Swyx clients and SIP phone (e.g. Yealink with zero touch configuration).
In Germany, we offer both: A retail product (with an affiliate partner program) and a wholesale configuration, where Swyx-partners, hosters or VoIP-carriers can offer their own Cloud PBX product based on InstantPBX.
In foreign countries, we offer InstantPBX only as a wholesale platform that enables you to offer your own version of a Swyx based Cloud PBX.
What do we do, what do you do?
Web interface and the server platform around (things like auto-provisioning, session border controller, monitoring, abuse- and fraud protection, application firewall to prevent tenants to get out of their virtual PBX and some more) will be operated by our team. Of course, you can provide rackspace and hardware if you want to have it in your own datacenter.
Swyx servers can be operated and licensed either by our team or by yourself, just as you want. In any case, you have SwyxWare administration access to support your customers, and of course you also have reseller access including debug information to our web interface.
The telephony trunks itself (termination, phone number management)… well, we guess in your own country you could offer much more than we could, so this should be your job.
And there is one important thing left: Of course you have to decide about the look and feel, server names, web interface CI and -wording, Swyx skins, tariff names and prices and things like this.
And you have to decide how you want to create virtual PBXes / add customers to our platform. You can create them online in our web interface, you can create them automatically via API, or we can set up a self registration system where users just order the product online.
What does it cost?
The price for setup and operation of your own InstantPBX based Cloud PBX depends on how specific we need to configure the product to your needs. As of the customization, there is a minimum of about 200 users you should be able to reach within 12 months.
But to imagine the price: Our retail price for InstantPBX is starting at 4.99 Euro (and we pay 10% affiliate provision). So don’t be afraid of our offer :-)

Contact me!
Joern Dost
Interested in setting up your own Cloud product based on InstantPBX? Just give me a call!
+49 221 96 98 96 21